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Opening of the synthetic fibres
Decompaction of lower-level infill
Improves drainage
Specialist orbital brush

The RENOVATE process was introduced by Replay to help facilities that are either older and/or may not have been well maintained previously. It is a restorative procedure designed to address compaction and contamination of the existing infill within the playing surface.

The process involves the initial removal of surface debris and vegetation, followed by the opening up of the synthetic fibres via a double or triple orbital brush system which allows for the de-compaction, lifting and regrading of the lower-level infill.

The final stage is the redistribution and grooming of the infill back into the surface. If required, new infill can be applied to the surface at this point to ensure the fibres are supported and protected.
The end result is a surface with much-improved shock absorbency, drainage and playability.

(*Please be aware that the RENOVATE process may not always be the best option, particularly if you are experiencing drainage and silting issues with your surface. You may therefore want to check out our REJUVENATION process which can address these problems.)

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